About Me

Hi! I’m an undergrad student in mathematics at the TU Berlin. I am also a research assistant at the Gramann lab and currently in San Diego as a visiting researcher at SCCN under the supervision of Dr. Iversen.


My research interest is in spatial navigation, especially path integration. I am currently working on a project the contribution of proprioceptipve information in path integration in humans. Furthermore I am interested in data analysis methods and tools that can help researchers in their work. One side project of mine is an EEG-data explorer which is in a very early stage yet.

Here is a preview of the current state:


I’m a big fan of philosophy and psychoanalysis especially their existentialist currents. I also enjoy calligraphy but I’m not really good at it (yet). My biggest passion, however, are orangutans 🦧. People ask me why, but I think a quick look at my orangutan page should be enough of an explanation.


I have experience in coding mostly in the scientific computing area and some basic knowledge of Unity. I use Python, Julia, C#, and (unfortunately) Matlab. My R knowledge is quite rusty but could be revived if needed.

Page design by Ankit Sultana